682 meters above sea level.
Three famous places of Sakhalin in one day? It's real! Let’s go with us and we will show you the Torii Gate, Tikhaya Bay and the Zhdanko Ridge.
Important! This excursion has age restrictions. The ascent will take 6 hours.
The first stop on our tour will be at the Torii Gate, in the village of Vzmorie. In Shintoism the gate of this kind was installed in front of the entrance to a temple. This monument of Japanese culture has been here since 1914.
After admiring the gate and making memorable pictures, we will continue our trip to the Tikhaya Bay. It is located on the shore of the Sea of Okhotsk. You will see a beautiful lagoon surrounded by a semicircle of hills. And around us there will be just the noise of the sea and the cries of seagulls. It is the atmosphere of tranquility and grandeur.
And of course, the pearl of the tour is the ascent to the Zhdanko Ridge! This hike is not for weaklings. Five and a half km ahead of us will stretch along the most picturesque places. It will be 6 hours for you to build your character and test yourselves for strength.
The ridge is a complex geological natural monument of regional importance. It fascinates watchers with its beauty and mystery. Stunning views of the eastern and western coasts of Sakhalin open from here. Don't forget to take your camera, because seeing it with your own eyes is an incredible experience!
Soar above the everyday life and experience the magic of these peaks.
  • Стоимость
    Стоимость одной путевки в составе группы: июнь, июль, август, сентябрь - 5000 рублей.
    Возрастное ограничение на данную экскурсию.
  • В стоимость включено
    Групповой трансфер
    - Чай из сахалинских трав, перекус
    - Гид-экскурсовода или инструктора-проводника

  • C собой нужно взять
    - ветронепродуваемая одежда (ветровка, кофта, кепка, штаны. В теплую погоду: легкая ветровка, футболка, шорты)
    - трекинговые ботинки, кроссовки
    - средство от загара
    - солнцезащитные очки
    - средства от насекомых

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© ООО «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

Phone: +7(900)488-55-55

Whats app +7(900)488-55-55


Address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Karl Marx St, 51, Office 105

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We are in the unified register of tour operators in Russia LLC «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

РТО 024465

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