Snowmobile tour. Mount Bykova in winter.
Snowmobile tour. Mount Bykova in winter.
Winter is a wonderful time of the year. There is the snowy kingdom around you, our favorite holiday – the New Year, and of course, winter entertainments.
We invite you to a tour to Mount Bykova. Imagine a snowmobile, sliding on the snow, taking us gradually higher and higher. Snow-covered trees and slopes come and go, and here it is - the top. And this is not a mere word - the height of the mountain is 954 meters above sea level!
In clear weather, a stunning panorama opens up from here. You can see the snow-capped East Sakhalin Mountains, a bit of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Aniva Bay.
After taking pics and selfies and drinking tea with delicacies, we'll go back, quick as the wind on the snowmobiles!

  • Стоимость

    Стоимость аренды двухместного снегохода - 7000 рублей

    Место за инструктором – 4000 рублей

    Время продолжительности экскурсии -

    2 часа

    Время для бронирования: 10:00;12:00;14:00;16:00

    Вместимость одного снегохода 2 взрослых 1 ребенок до 8 лет

  • В стоимость включено
    - трансфер до места старта(можно приехать самостоятельно)
    - шлемы и очки
    - аренда снегохода
    - горячий чай с вкусняшками

Book a tour

© ООО «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

Phone: +7(900)488-55-55

Whats app +7(900)488-55-55

Address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Karl Marx St, 51, Office 105

Tour categories

Summer tours

Winter tours

Multiple-day tours



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We are in the unified register of tour operators in Russia LLC «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

РТО 024465

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