Winter tour by snowmobiles to Capes Ptichy and Velikan on Sakhalin.

Sakhalin in winter is a magical world where snowfields and crystal-clear skies unite to create an unforgettable sight. The best way to explore this cold beauty is to go by snowmobiles, thus making your way to these two marvelous capes - Ptichy and Velikan.
Under the shroud of winter, Cape Ptichy turns into a fairytale place. Snowy cliff tops and the silence of the snow-covered coast, interrupted by the cries of birds and the hum of the sea, make this place magical.
During the Japanese occupation, the winter journey to the observation point at Cape Ptichy was one of the most difficult, due to harsh weather conditions.
Cape Velikan (Giant) in winter seems totally mystical. The stone pillars covered with snow and frost really resemble giants wrapped in snow-white robes.
Traveling by snowmobiles will allow you to see the inaccessible beauty of these places. Discover a new side of the island's beauty!
  • Стоимость

    Стоимость аренды двухместного снегохода - 25000 рублей

    Место за инструктором – 12500 рублей

    Вместимость снегохода 2 взрослых 1 ребенок до 8 лет
  • В стоимость включено
    - трансфер до места старта(можно приехать самостоятельно)
    - шлемы и очки
    - аренда снегохода
    - горячий чай, ланч-бокс по Сахалинске

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© ООО «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

Phone: +7(900)488-55-55

Whats app +7(900)488-55-55

Address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Karl Marx St, 51, Office 105

Tour categories

Summer tours

Winter tours

Multiple-day tours



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We are in the unified register of tour operators in Russia LLC «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

РТО 024465

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