Explore amazing parts of Sakhalin. Let's go to Cape Slepikovskogo and the Devil's Bridge!
The Devil's Bridge is called an engineering masterpiece of the past. Built by the Japanese in 1920, it is a minor railway complex designed considering the mountainous terrain between the cities of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Kholmsk.
The train goes through the Nikolaychuk station. It enters the tunnel under the Chertov Bridge (Devil’s Bridge). On coming out of the tunnel the train takes a loop to go up a 40-meter hill. And now the Devil's Bridge turns out to be under the tunnel. The Japanese engineers' solution still thrills anyone who has seen the complex personally.
After the sightseeing tour around the railroad complex, we will depart to Cape Slepikovskogo. We will see a real guardian of the coast! It is a lighthouse created by Japanese professionals of their craft who employed and unusual engineering solution - a structure collecting water during rains. There is an interesting fact that this lighthouse on Cape Slepikovskogo is the twin of the tower on Cape Lamanon.
During the trip, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the lighthouse and the cape and get familiar with the history of this picturesque corner of Sakhalin. It is not only the place of the excursion that is important for a good trip, but also a knowledgeable guide, and you will definitely have such a guide here!
  • Стоимость
    - Стоимость одной путевки в составе группы: май, июнь, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь - 6000 рублей
    - Стоимость одной путевки в составе группы: июль, август - 6500 рублей
    - Скидка детям до 12 лет - 10%; Пенсионерам от 60 лет - 15%

  • В стоимость включено
    - Групповой трансфер
    - Обед: ланч-бокс по-сахалински
    - Гид.

  • C собой нужно взять
    - ветронепродуваемая одежда (ветровка, кофта, кепка, штаны. В теплую погоду: легкая ветровка, футболка, шорты)
    - трекинговые ботинки и сланцы
    - средство от загара
    - солнцезащитные очки
    - в теплое время года-вещи для купания
    - средства от насекомых

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© ООО «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

Phone: +7(900)488-55-55

Whats app +7(900)488-55-55


Address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Karl Marx St, 51, Office 105

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We are in the unified register of tour operators in Russia LLC «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

РТО 024465

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