Catching king crab in the Sea of Okhotsk.
We offer the most delicious winter tour, which will give you unparalleled emotions. Let's go to the frozen shore of the Sea of Okhotsk. Here, under a layer of transparent ice lives the king crab, or as it is also called, the spiny crab. Experienced fishermen from our team will tell you the subtle details of ice fishing, proper setting of traps and collecting the caught crabs.
We will create a cozy and warm atmosphere for you even in the coldest winter days. After all, the real pleasure of crabbing is not only the catch itself, but also the comfort with which it is obtained. Spacious tents, camping furniture and all the necessary equipment will be provided by us.
Freshly caught crabs will be cooked by our cook. You will taste the famous Sakhalin delicacy with its unique flavor without “going away from the hole in the ice".
Join us and become a part of this incredible winter adventure!
  • Стоимость
    Стоимость одной путевки в составе группы – 7000 рублей
  • В стоимость включено
    - гид
    - автомобильный трансфер г.Южно-Сахалинск – с.Лесное – г.Южно-Сахалинск
    - обед: свежесваренный краб, хемультан (суп из морепродуктов) салаты по корейским рецептам, горячий чай с плюшками

Book a tour

© ООО «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

Phone: +7(900)488-55-55

Whats app +7(900)488-55-55

Address: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Karl Marx St, 51, Office 105

Tour categories

Summer tours

Winter tours

Multiple-day tours



All tours


We are in the unified register of tour operators in Russia LLC «Гостеприимный Сахалин»

РТО 024465

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